Friday, August 18, 2017

Class work for Monday, August 21

Pride and Prejudice group work chapters 12–17

Get into groups of 3 or 4. Have one group member open a googledoc, list all of your names, share the doc with my gmail address, and then discuss the following questions. Take turns recording brief answers to each question that reflect the main conclusions or most interesting highlights of your discussion for each. (You can either share the doc with everyone and take turns on your own devices, or just pass the device the doc was made on.)
  1. Why is Mr. Collin’s at the Bennet’s house? From the perspective of the Bennet family, why is he there?
  2. In what ways is Mr. Collins ridiculous? What do we learn about the different members of the Bennet clan from their interactions with him?
  3. What do you think of Mr. Wickham so far? Do you like him better than Mr. Darcy? How does he compare to Mr. Bingly? How does he seem to affect Elizabeth?
  4. Does Mr. Wickham’s story about Mr. Darcy make sense? Why or why not?

Once you’re done discussing and recording these questions, you can get started quietly reading the long assignment for Wednesday.

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